What to do with All the Candy - Halloween

OMG the Candy!

Halloween is a holiday that gets demonized for many reasons.

In terms of nutrition, it's of course for the candy and the beginning of the “sweets season”...

The thing is there are plenty of ways to enjoy the holiday while still enjoying the candy, desserts, and parties and not “mess up” your nutrition plan!

First, let’s walk through a couple of spooky scenarios.

I didn’t know these principles as a kid, but it makes complete sense now. I would hoard and hide all my candy stash being it was “mine” (cue the seagulls from Nemo)!!  And then I would actually just forget about it. It was available to me, nobody was saying I couldn't have it, and then it was out of sight and out of mind.

Versus a childhood friend whose parents were very strict with candy, treats, and desserts and  so as soon as he would go to a friend's house who had these items he would go wild eating all the goodies as they were not allowed in his house.

Allowing the candy to be in the house will actually help to reduce consumption!

None of this is because of willpower, it is all because of psychology and what happens when we are "not allowed" to have something.  The more you restrict, the more you "crave".  It is as simple as that.

If your focus is on having enough willpower and motivation, you will fail every time. Motivation and willpower is going to wax and wane.  This is one of the biggest concepts of the diet culture to make sure you will fail and keep purchasing the new “sexy” item, idea, and concept. 

Ditch diet culture!  Get rid of all these ridiculous food rules and start enjoying life again!

Practical solutions for the candy

Enjoy and eat it!  If you are consuming three meals a day and healthy snacks, you can easily consume small amounts of candy every day!  It’s of course not advised to make a meal out of the Halloween candy and treats, but many of our stomachs will tell that to us. 

For athletes, candy can make a great quick fuel source, especially items like Starburst, Skittles, and Sweetarts.  These items are all sugar which can be used in place of gels, chews, and blocks. Reeses and Snickers will give you carb and protein, which can work well for hikers or a post adventure snack.

If you need it, you can make strategic plans.

This country already wastes way too much. You do not need to trash the candy!  Likewise, getting away from the “gotta eat it before it goes bad” idea.   Candy doesn't tend to go bad that fast either.

Appropriately storing candy

Airtight containers and keeping the candy in a cool dry place will allow the candy to last more than a few months.  Keep candy, especially chocolate, out of the sun will be important.  Dark chocolate can last up to three years stored properly.  Many candies can easily be good for more than six months. 

Depending on how much candy you may have, freezing some of the candy is a great option.   Freezing the candy will keep it fresh and takes away from the idea that you have to eat it up quickly because it's “gonna go bad”. 

Mindset is important

Honestly, out of sight out of mind can work really well when you fully allow yourself to be able to eat these items at any time you eventually find that you forget about them. And yes this is going to be something that's going to take some time to practice as you have probably not been told about allowing yourself to have food at any time.  

Avoiding the mindset “I’ve already blown it so I’ll keep eating it” which can continue for the next 3 months.  Remember, Halloween is a time to have fun with family and friends and continuing traditions.  One day is not going to hurt anything and having plans for the candy and desserts will help ease any concerns.

👻Happy Halloween!🎃


How long can Candy last? (Different Candies and their Shelf Lives) (tinyeat.net)